Wednesday, February 4, 2009


agk telad c, but better late than never..

Fair Ground of Fair Play!
31 Januari - 8 Februari 2009
Basket, Futsal, Voli, Band, MD
htm: 5000 (10.000 on Feb 8)

it's not too late to drop by, coz the best is yet to come!

on Feb 8th, bakal ada final lomba MD, sekaligus special performance dari tim MD Sang Timur. Best of all, MC closing kita ntar itu Rico Ceper cuuy! (yg kata Andy temennya Ricky Gepeng. sama, gw juga ga konek.)
Dan better than the best, bakal ad coaching clinic basket dari bintang2 IBL! IBL, baby! uwooooh~ htm nya cuma ceban lhooo.
Dan better than the better of the best, bakal ad J-FLOW!! itu lho yg lagi naik daun itu lhoo! *segede ap daunnya*

Dan tentu aj bakal ad pertandingan final dari semua cabang kompetisi n de blah n de blah. Diharapkan suporter masing-masing finalis dateng yaa!

we're gonna have some fair play on our fair ground. happy day~
"misi, misi, ST mau lewad, klo ga dikasi, urusan bisa gawad.."